I\’m going to tell you about an experience when AFTER HOURS PRESSURE WASHING was desperately needed!  The other day, I was about to walk out the door of a popular fast foot restaurant when an employee was pressure washing the door. It was an awkward moment, and a lot of questions ran through my mind.

Why is he pressure washing the door right now? Is he going to stop so I can get out? Am I supposed to go out a different door? How wet is it out there? Is it wet at the other door too?  Am I going to soak my shoes and track mud into my car? As I\’m standing there considering the myriad of possibilities, I must confess my frustration grew. The prospect that my food might grow cold trying to figure it all out made it worse.

Customer Frustration

Any business that conducts pressure washing on their facility during business hours should think again.  It is bound to create unnecessary customer frustration for a variety of reason.  First, the path that they take is most likely going mean some sort of detour around the area being cleaned.  Time, more so than money, is considered by most their number one commodity.  In other words, they would rather you waste their money than their time!  Secondly, they will become burdened because of safety concerns. Things like tripping, slipping and falling due to hoses, puddles, wet shoes, and slick surfaces will be on their mind.  Another source of frustration is whether they or their vehicle ends up getting wet from spray, especially on a windy day.  With as much frustration as they experience, it would be a miracle if they ever return to do business there again.

After Hours Cleaning

Clean and Green Solutions is highly aware of these conflicts that arise when pressure washing commercial properties.  This is why we offer after hours pressure washing.  Depending on business hours, we schedule the work so that customer traffic is not impeded, frustration is avoided, and business is not adversely affected.  Our main priority is to clean in such a way that more customers and clients are ATTRACTED by stunning visual results, NOT TURNED AWAY by frustration and headaches from inconvenient cleaning projects.  This might mean working late evening into early morning hours, or scheduling work on weekends.

Some businesses remain open 24 hours and in that case, we are committed to working with leadership to schedule cleaning at least peak times.  For example, the ideal schedule for cleaning most hotels is mid-week 10 am-3pm, which is after check out and before check in.  This represents the time frame when customers are least impacted by a pressure cleaning project.  Our technicians understand from their first day of employment that flexible scheduling is what it takes to succeed in this industry!  Call or text 281-326-9828 to schedule AFTER HOURS CLEANING on your commercial property today!  We invite you to subscribe to our YOUTUBE channel for other great pressure washing insights!




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